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Monday, 3 September 2007

Haven't posted in ages

Hi all, I haven't posted in ages, I apologise to anyone who visits this blog.

Nearly a whole month has passed and I have lost around 24lbs during this time. I stuck to the SSing programme although I have now introduced a cheat to my diet - I add chopped lettuce to my soups. I've been doing this for some weeks and this doesn't seem to have any adverse affect on my weight loss.(still averaging around 6.5lbs per week)

My total weight loss to date is 90.5 lbs and have dropped 11 inches from my waist. I didn't bother to take any other measurements during my diet cos for me its all about the scales. I know I'm shrinking (not in all areas thankfully :)) and don't really need measurements to tell me that. My clothing has shrunk from 4-5xl in t-shirt to bordering on a 2xl and I now wear 42inch waist jeans( do them up under my belly). Before all my trousers were elasticated!! Even my feet have shrunk from a 9 to a 8.5.
I'm currently getting some great responses from people I haven't seen in ages which makes it all worth while. I can't wait until xmas - this is often a time i see family friends I haven't seen for months, I'll enjoy being the centre of attention (not something I would usually enjoy).
All in all its been a good month despite the weather. I had a good holiday and am generally feel much better about muyself and life in general.
Onwards and upwards.....

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