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Thursday, 28 June 2007


I have just completed my fifth week on the CD and have lost another 5Lbs. Thats a total of 38lbs in 5 weeks, which feels great.

Last week I completed what is known as Add A Meal week where a very small meal is added to the four satchets of CD. My extra meal consisted of 50g of chicken and 4 florets of broccoli. I had this for most of the week and finished with a piece of lemon sole and broccoli on Wednesday. I guess I was a little lazy when it came to doing the extra meal, but having cooked a breast of chicken and realising that 50g was only one third of the cooked breast, it meant one piece lasted me 3 days and so there wasn't a great deal of thought needed when preparing the next days meal!!

Its amazing though how having real food again made me grave for more. Although I was allowed various greens with my AAM its surprising how many times I found myself opening the fridge and saying to myself..."you can have a bit more salad if u like, or a piece of cucumber". Although eating an extra salad leaf or piece of cucumber would not have harmed me, I think it was representative of how addicted to food I am. Thats why the CD seems to be working for me, 'cos with only 4 satchets to deal with I do not have to worry where my next meal is coming from or what it is. Whilst on the CD I have thought about food, mainly due to watching programs such as the F-Word and Masterchef, however I haven't craved for food. This only happened once I started to have some real food again. Scary!!!!
Some people smoke, some drink to excess. I eat food...lots of food...I'm a food junkie. Quantity, not quality is my motto and one reason I got to the size I had.
I am hoping as the weight goes and I become fit, my dependance on food lessens and I can resume a normal life. If I'm still struggling with food addiction as I shed further stones, I'll seek mental help... although at present I feel if I address the weight problem and start to live a fulfilling and active life, I'll cut that bond I have with food and find pleasure in other things; other more active interests such as becoming a football coach or likes...something I have become very interested of late due to my recent involvement in my nephews football side. I've also been interested in completing the mongol challenge and have followed various teams for the past couple of rallies. You can see more about the mongol challenge via the link on the right.

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