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Saturday, 26 May 2007

Day 2

Struggled with a headache for the most part today, despite drinking nearly 6 litres of water, I swear I couldn't drink another drop.

Had the veg soup today which wasn't too bad, but I preferred the Oriental Chilli soup I had yesterday. Not too keen on the vanilla shakes though - don't think I'll bother with those next week!

This evening I had a presentation/disco evening for my nephews football team held at Dagenham & REdbridge football club. As I had expected there was loads of food and plenty of beer going around but inspite of this I managed to stay strong and last the evening without so much as a morsel passing my lips.
The most awkward point was drinking water throughout the evening and I felt quite uncomfortable doing this. Would have much prefered a cold beer or a JD and coke.
I guess I resisted all temptations because whilst most were up dancing and chatting it was too warm for me to stand up, let alone dance and so I remained seated for the most part just trying to stay cool - I wore my trusty coat again!!! I'm determined to lose this weight and strut my stuff of that dance floor :-)

Overall day 2 has been o.k, slightly harder than yesterday (due to headache) but I certainly do not feel as hungry. Last night my stomach was burning with hunger pains.

Off to bed now, must pay one last visit to the toilet though - lost count the number of times I've gone today!!!

Just 5 more days to go till weigh in......................

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